Friday 30 July 2010

Basil Cornucopia

Lots of lovely vegetables for the budgies today, Basil seems to make them go totally nuts, it must be some sort of budgie Superfood. They have been flying about like Bats out of Hell and arguing about the ownership of the Basil (it’s Monty’s – everything in this house belongs to Monty)

One Budgie and his Basil

budgies 30-7-10 007


Roswell’s Daily Pose

roswell daily pose

Snowy and Monty tucking into some more lovely grub

Monty and Snowy vegetables


Jerry decides Corn is best

 jerry corn

Thursday 29 July 2010

a very dominant budgie, poser, bite that toy!

Monty has been at his most dominant and displaying today, not sure why the littlest, oldest budgie feels this way today but he has been showing it a lot. He’s been skipping and hopping around with his little tail right up on the air. I wonder if anyone else's birds do this, I have never seen it before. It’s really funny to watch, it’s like his tail is a little aerial as the ones they have on remote control cars.

A Trill powered Monty

monty dominant posture

Roswell has been up to his posing again, as soon as I point a camera his way he poses, he’s so comfortable in front of the camera and sometimes squawks at me if I put it away or direct it at another of the budgies.

I’m ready for my close-up

roswell poser

I am pleased to report that the new toy is very popular and anyone that is anyone has had a bite or a prod of it.

Lets pull this sucker apart, it’s just so damn colourful and offensive

all budgies must bite the new toy

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Today’s Evil Monty Picture

If you don’t go away I shall claw you to death with my tiny foot, I am raising it now! GO!

claw you

If you're looking for trouble
You came to the right place
If you're looking for trouble
Just look right in my face
I was born standing up
And talking back
My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack
Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery
Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me

Free Wrestle and Preen

Roswell and Jerry had a major cute preening session the other day, had to get the camera out and capture it in pixels before they stopped.  Roswell tilt his little fluffy head forwards for Jerry to preen, so sweet.  I am really pleased the way Jerry has worked out, Roswell wasn’t happy being the odd budgie out after Snowy and Monty became friends. He had started pinging the bars and biffing and biting the other budgies to get attention.

He’s so much happier now :)

jerry preening roswell 27-7-10 jerry preening roswell 27-7-102

Monty staring down at Roswell and Jerry trying to figure out what on earth they are up to.  Your guess is as good as mine Monty!

Monty staring at Roswell and jerry wrestling

The king looking cute and fluffy, I wanna tickle his belly but he wont let me.

i am the cute and fluffy leader

Monty is looking so healthy these days – so unlike when we first got him, he had a very crusty beak. Look at him now all shiny, fluffy and beautiful.

i am the king

Monday 26 July 2010

Monty Bin Laden

All these years we have been wondering where Bin Laden is hanging out..

Monty Bin Laden

One Roswell and his ball

roswell ball 26-7-10

Mmmmmm, this is good Millet man I feel chilled

sleepy monty

Snowy actually stopped and posed for this one for ages, good boy that he is. The way he is holding his feet I am wondering if I should get him a guitar. If anyone knows what chord that is please let me know.

snowy posing

Roswell “Has anyone seen Jerry?”

anyone seen jerry 

Saturday 24 July 2010

Vegetable Kebabs and cheeky Vandals

At last I thought of an idea for all the lolly-sticks that I had been saving up.  Jerry keeps throwing perfectly good vegetable onto the floor before any of the other budgies have had a chance for a nibble of it.  So I thought I would use the sticks to make a kind of vegetable kebab.

I slit each Mange Tout and Baby Sweet corn and threaded them onto the stick, so far no vegetables have been flung over the side! So far so good!

Kebabs for the birds

budgies 24-7-10 016

Where is my piece of corn? I am sure I put it down somewhere

budgies 24-7-10 018

Monty had a good play this morning, running back and forth on the play centre and beating up the plastic budgie. I do wonder what goes through his mind when he does this.  He looks really furious.

Mad Monty

budgies 24-7-10 010

Roswell and Jerry have been up to their usual tricks of climbing on things and biting them. In this case it was the turn of the Budgie Screen that we made for the Window.

Naughty Vandals

budgies 24-7-10 021 

Friday 23 July 2010

Playing with the birds, Ebay Spending Frenzy!

I spent a long time today playing with the birds, we gave Jerry a Spot On Treatment (protection against Scaly face and Mites amongst other nasties) so we tried to give him some millet as a treat after – of course he wouldn’t come near our hands so I left some form him in the cage and play centre.

I tried to get the others to perch on my hand to eat the millet but they were mostly reluctant – EXCEPT for Monty!

Monty used to perch on my hand to eat millet in the old days before Roswell, Snowy and Jerry came along so I wasn’t sure if he still would be he did, this was fun, it feels nice to have the little boy on my hand and I could feel his little feathery face between my fingers as he ate the millet. He played about a lot too jumping off my hand to the play centre and back. He also biffed and nibbled lightly at my hand.

Monty from the old days

monty nibbling millet

It’s really good that Monty is still not afraid of jumping on my hand even if it is only when there is millet in it for him.

I had a little bit of cash left in my Paypal account so had a look on Ebay for a budgie Toy and I found something that I think might be a lot of fun for them.

This is what I got, I’m really looking forward to it arriving, it’s a Little Heart with multi-coloured rings hanging off of it.

New bird toy

Four Simple Tips for Business Success

My budgies: Monty, Snowy, Roswell and Jerry are very successful at what they do, they are budgies all day long and have four very important tips to share with you so that you can be as productive and creative as they are. Follow these and you cannot go far wrong.

Always eat breakfast

As Jerry demonstrates here, if you do not eat a balanced breakfast before you start work for the day, you will be flagging way before mid day and you will probably reach for a sugary snack that will make your blood sugar plummet and you’ll feel even more tired and less productive.

Jerry 23-7-10 006

Don’t be frightened to take charge

So you’re worried that people will see you as bossy, Monty doesn’t worry about such things, he just gets on with it and is very decisive.

 its all mine 22-7-10

Remember to look your best at all times

You never know when you could get called into that all-important career breaking meeting, you don’t want snagged tights or scruffy shoes making a dent in your confidence when an opportunity presents itself. Roswell always looks immaculate.

Roswell 23-7-10

Climb that Success Ladder

From down there it might look high but think how you will feel when you reach the top.

Snowy 23-7-10 025 

A Protein Rich day

The birds are having their egg food today, they are all moulting and need extra protein for their new feathers to be formed and it helps this happen.  Besides, they do love it.

UPDATE: I realised that I neglected to mention that you should remove any uneaten egg food after 2 hours as it will spoil and go bad.  Also give the area it was in a bit of a clean too as budgies do tend to make a mess (or is that just mine?)

I feed this to them a couple of times a month for two days at a time.

A Previous Egg-fest

egg 11-5-10


  • Boil an egg, when boiled simmer for 30 minutes to make sure any salmonella is killed – you do not want your birds getting ill with this, you might survive it, they may not.

  • Peel and grate the egg when cooled ( I usually cool it in water as I am impatient!)

  • Grate some of your birds favourite vegetables (always raw and fresh), I usually use carrot, broccoli and sweetcorn.

  • Divide mixture into two days portions, placing half of the servings in the fridge for tomorrow. It’s best to use it quickly, but it’ll stay fresh for up to two days in the fridge.

  • Serve, yum yum! :)

Thursday 22 July 2010

The benefit of being small

Monty is my smallest and yet most dominant budgie – he rules everything and thinks everything is his, including me.  He has a weird dominant stance that I have never seen in a budgie before (let me know if you have I would be intrigued)

Roswell landed at the top of the Tower of Terror earlier and Monty hopped and flew about around it until Roswell flew off. He was oblivious to Monty as he was busy preening himself, but I am sure that Monty still took it as a victory.

As two of my birds are exhibition budgies (Roswell and Snowy), bred to be shown off at shows, they are bigger than pet types although they seem just as energetic – perhaps because they have to keep up with their two pet type smaller friends!

But Monty is even smaller than Jerry, the other pet type and he has the tiniest little feet but manages to cling on to anything with one nail because he is so tiny and light.

Benefits if being small like Monty are…

You have lots more space than others and don’t feel cramped

So much space 18-7-10


You look cute and inoffensive, even though you aren’t

 cute and inoffensive 18-6-10 003


You can mock others and get away with it

Monty “Here we have Jerry and Roswell in their natural habitat, foraging for a ping pong ball. I wonder if they realise it’s not food?”

They don't notice 22-7-10


You fit in tiny and interesting places without pulling a muscle

Benefit of being small 22-7-10


Small is beautiful…but then so is big

Roswell Monty 20-7-10


Wednesday 21 July 2010

Vegetables, Cheekiness and a Soap Dish


Here they are enjoying their breakfast from this morning, Mange Tout, Baby Corn, Red Pepper, Curly Parsley and Broccoli. Mounting all of the vegetables on a Broccoli stalk seemed to stop Jerry from throwing them onto the floor – which he usually does within 5 minutes of seeing loose corn or mange tout and basically anything he can pick up!


budgies 21-7-10 007

Earlier on Monty flew into the kitchen and started to peck at my husbands Cup whilst singing and dancing back and forth, my husband was out at the time so maybe this was Monty’s idea of being cheeky and playing about while he wasn’t here :)


budgies 21-7-10 010


We bought a stick on (with suckers) clear plastic soap dish and stuck it on the balcony windows, Jerry and Roswell have had great fun staring out of the window and jumping back and forth from the play centre to the dish and then the Tower of Terror.

budgies 21-7-10 012

How to bird proof your windows for summer

The weather is getting warm and you want to be able to let some air in to circulate, but you also want to let your birds fly free in the house to stretch their wings and get up to their usual mischief.  The answer to this is to make your own Bird Screens that fit over your windows on the inside and allow air flow and are safe for your birds while the window is open.

We made our screen for Budgies, if you have larger birds then you may need something a lot stronger, there is a lot of difference in size and strength to a Budgie and an African Grey Parrot. Either way make sure you continually check your screen for bite marks, splinters etc.

Also I wouldn’t suggest using any form of glue as my budgies test everything with their beaks and I wouldn’t want mine or yours ingesting glue even if it is labelled as non-toxic.

Shopping List for one Bird Screen

  • Saw

  • Drill

  • Measuring tape

  • 32 Screws

  • Lots of Staples (the looped kind that you bang in with a hammer, we used around 80)

  • Hammer

  • Sand Paper

  • Good Strong Aviary mesh

  • 8 L Shaped Brackets

  • 2 Hooks

  • 2 Eyes

  • 2 Magnet catches

  • 5 Lengths of wood (unfinished and unvarnished)

  • Nail Clippers or Wire Cutters

  • An extra person to help you

  • A Pen or pencil

  • Screwdriver

How to make a screen:

It’s very important to make sure your measurements are accurate, you’ll be very disappointed if you spend all this time and hard work making the screen only to find it doesn’t fit, did I say disappointed, I mean angry, annoyed and fit to burst!

1. Measure your window and remember your screen will need to be bigger than this

We made our screens using just the one same measurement on all planks of wood as this made things a lot easier when it came to sawing the wood and just generally easier overall.

2. Now that you have your measurements, saw the wood to the correct length

Our wood came in long planks of 5 covered in plastic, so we were able to mark the packet and then easily saw all 5 planks at the same time. Sand the wood after it’s sawn.

3. Get your brackets and measure where the holes for the screws should be on the wood planks

You’ll need two people for this, Hold the planks and brackets in place whilst marking where the screws will go with a pencil. Do this for each plank.

4. Drill the Four planks for the edges of the frame

Drill where the 16 screws will need to go, do not drill too far into the wood and make sure your drill-bit is not thicker than your screw or it will not grip the wood and hold the bracket in place.

5. Screw in the brackets

Get your screwdriver and screw in the brackets, again you will need two people – one to hold the bracket and wood in place while the other puts the screws in.

You should now have a square or rectangle shape.

The Frame, Bottom Left


6. Securing the fifth plank

Put the fifth plank in the middle, vertically of the frame, marking where the brackets should be and screw them in.

7. Measure your frame in preparation for aviary wire being fitted

The Aviary wire will need to be slightly smaller (half a centimetre all the way round) than the frame as you do not want any wire sticking out at the edges.

8. Clip any sharp edges

We clipped off all of the sharp points at the edges of the wire, I used a large pair of nail clippers, it took a while but it was thorough. Don’t forget to make sure you pick up all of the little metal pieces afterwards.

9. Hammer away

Hammer in the staples, about 2 inches apart, closer if you feel the need to but you’ll need a lot of staples and a very heavy hammer.  Make sure you hammer some in on the supporting middle part of the frame too this will strengthen your structure.

10. Securing the top of the frame

Drill a hole at the left and right of the top of the frame and screw in the hooks.

The hook and eye, Top Right


11. Securing the bottom of the frame

We used two magnet catches secured to the window sill and the frame, they are pretty easy to fit and line up, but you could use hooks and eyes or even a padlock or bolt on each side of the frame, whatever makes you feel more secure.

Magnet on Window Sill, Bottom Left


12. Hanging the finished frame

One person should hold up the frame while the other measures on the wall where the holes for the eyes should be (precisely where the hooks are when the frame is in place properly).

Frame, Top Right


13. Drill the wall

Drill holes into the wall where you have marked and then screw in the eyes.

14. Hang up the finished frame

Hang the frame in place, hopefully it fits perfectly with the magnets and hooks and eyes, if not you may need to do some tweaking.

Feel the lovely breeze!

The finished Frame


How do you fancy some breakfast with me?

Monty, Snowy, Roswell and Jerry are sharing my breakfast today.

We're having Red Pepper, Baby Corn, Mange Tout, Curly Parsley all mounted on a broccoli stalk.

Yum yum?

Bring your own fork, napkin and bib.

They do love their vegetables and they had better eat them like good little boys or I'll have to send them to their room :)

Tuesday 20 July 2010

My Budgie the Dinosaur

Monty sometimes reminds me of a mini T-Rex or Velociraptor - the way he darts about speedily.

Especially when he first started running along the floor with his tail up in a dominant position staring up at us, actually these days he mostly hops along really fast like a crow, looking for something to beat up.


T-Rex (courtesy of Wikipedia )

Velociraptor (courtesy of Wikipedia )

It was once reported that the early Dinosaur was more like a Chicken than any other bird:

I think the scientists have got it wrong, they were more like budgies, I have living proof squawking and singing right beside me right now.

You certainly wouldn’t want to meet a 13ft high version of Monty – even a Monty the size of a dog would do serious damage!



How to get your budgie to bathe

When we first got our budgies we bought one of those “clip to the side of the cage” baths for £4-5 from the pet shop, a yellow one I believe. We tried all we could to get them into it, splish splashing about with our fingers, putting millet or lettuce in it but no, they were scared of the damn thing (not been in it to this day)

Eventually we realised that they would only get into a vessel if it was see-through, their suspicious natures no doubt!

So we got them a Pyrex pie dish to bathe in and they love it, especially if the water is diluted with camomile tea.

Something new though is that if I put the three coloured ping pong balls in the water then they jump in straight away and make a huge mess splashing about – especially Roswell and Jerry!

Monty likes it too, Snowy is not much of a bather but will get in the bath if I hold it up for him – I think he likes me to be the life-guard in case one of the other budgies jump in and he gets trapped. Bath time seems safer for him if it’s heavily policed, which is fine.

Monty and Jerry also like to rub themselves against Parsley in a rather perverse manner!

Monty and a Curly Parsley session

budgies 20-7-10 019


Jerry Day-Dreams on the swing

budgies 20-7-10 020


Ping Pong bath

budgies 20-7-10 004


Roswell “I always loved the Discovery Zone”

budgies 20-7-10 007