Saturday 27 November 2010

Everybody in the whole cell block was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock

The birds are really enjoying their new climbing structure. Every time I see them on it it reminds me of the scene in Jailhouse Rock - I think you know what I mean, if not then look it up on youtube!

Maybe it was the incentive of the Dill and grass-seed that I had pegged to it but I prefer to imagine that my budgies are Elvis fans :D

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Birthday for me = Presents for the budgies

It's my birthday today, I am aherm *cough* years old. Got some money from my family and of course I spent half of it on my feathered fiends, they got a new playground - some swanky new food and 8 treat sticks.

My husband kindly fitted together the playground for me - DIY isn't a strong point, tends to make me a bit mad!

We had to weight it down in the base with some pebbles and stones (not sure what the difference is between those two) to make it more stable.

So far most of the budgies have tried it out and also had a smell of their new gourmet food..

Oh and look closely at Blue-boys throat spots, they're heart-shaped - how cute! :)

Sunday 14 November 2010

Happy Birthday Monty!

Yesterday we celebrated an anniversary with Monty - it has been a year since we brought Monty and Eric home. So in effect Monty is one year old (even though he's about a year and a half really, but we don't know his true date of hatching)

I made the budgies small white party hats and we bought them some treat sticks that fell apart so we put them in a dish (actually it's the budgie bath..) for them to feast their little beaks upon.

Earlier on Snowy presented Monty with some art that he had made from a sandpaper sheet that I had lined the bottom of the playground with. Let me know what you think it is, Snowy seems to think it's abstract and open to personal interpretation.

Lilek has been very busy landing on our feet , arms and hands then singing to them as well as his ongoing relationship with Sky - it's really nice to see them as friends.

Anyway I have party hats and millet to clear up..

Enjoy the pics


Tuesday 2 November 2010

Keys are exciting

Lilek has come out of his shell so much more in the last few days, I have even managed to handle him a fair bit - he has the most razor sharp bite but he also gives little nibbles which I think are meant to be affectionate!

Monty has shown a few signs of being jealous of all the attention that Lilek has been getting, so he sneaked into a photo my husband took of Lilek on my hand, just flew over to see what was going on.

Came back from my shower today to find Monty, Jerry, Roswell and Snowy all lined up on the arm of the sofa next to where I sit with my laptop. Maybe they were waiting for millet?

Yesterday all of the budgies ventured onto the sofa to watch Lilek play with his keys and nibble on the remote controls. They're getting so more adventurous since the arrival of Lilek, have to double check where I step and sit to make sure I don't flatten one of the little tykes..
