Tuesday 29 March 2011

I found a few old cute videos from last year and wanted to share them!
Monty Expressing himself

Budgie Bath time

Monty Singing away

More bathing

Cute birdies preening eachother

[caption id="attachment_94" align="alignnone" width="590" caption="Me first - no ME!!!"][/caption]


Jokes, Jealous Custard and a naughty Monty

Jerry has been telling little Blueboy rude jokes again, I do wish he wouldn't try and corrupt the little youngster. Typical naughty Jerry. looks like Blueboy found it funny at least.

Custard wont let Roswell out of her sight for more than five minutes, he tries to escape off for a little while to play with Jerry or Sky and she flaps her wings at him ferociously until he pays her attention again!

Monty has been showing the Infrared dot on top of the TV who is boss and it's clearly Monty, he was dancing about and tapping on it with his beak, he actually knocked it off the TV so I had to Bluetack it on. He's also taken to landing on my hand when I am typing at my PC and biting me well it's more of a pinch really and then he flies off.


Thursday 24 March 2011

Sunny day makes for nine lively fiends

Why is it that the sun makes my budgies ten times more lively and boisterous than they normally would be? I guess it's a good thing, it means that they feel energetic and happy!

They had some carrot, baby corn and mange tout which especially Snowy seemed to really enjoy, he has the equivalent of a sweet tooth, I suppose that would be a "sweet beak" and loves carrot.

Monty has been berating the poor very moulty green Jerry, as usual!

Here are pics..

Friday 18 March 2011

Here is a snapshot into my daily budgie routine and what it is like living with nine feathery fellows.

This is not a cleaning day this is an average day.

The pinging and whistling starts

[caption id="attachment_1374" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="blue boy says per ping"][/caption]

pings the bars and Sky Whistles until I uncover their cages.

I uncover all three cages, Budgingham Palace (Roswell, Jerry and Custard), The Summer Palace (Monty, Snowy, Lilek and Sky) and Balmoral (Hector and Blue-boy) open the curtains.

At this point Blue-boy and Hector will be preening eachother with Blue-boy intermittently running back and forth pinging the bars.  Roswell will start flinging himself about and doing acrobatics in anticipation to leave the cage, while Custard follows Roswell about and Jerry hops from perch to perch.  Sky will start harassing Snowy following him about and showing off to him. Lilek will be up on his shelf playing with his keys and waiting for me to scratch his head.

[caption id="attachment_1384" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="lilek likes his head scratches"][/caption]

Monty will probably be sitting on the cuttlefish preening.

I go to the kitchen, get the freshly washed soap-dishes and Green and Blue cat balls, I then put these onto the Balcony Door-Windows with a ball in each.

Release the hounds!

I open their cage doors one by one - placing the little hoop under Blue-boy and Hectors doorway and securing the cage door back.

Blue-boy flings himself out of the cage enthusiastically and flies to the top of the racks above Budgingham Palace, Hector follows immediately.

[caption id="attachment_1339" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="hector preening blue boy"][/caption]

I put my mask on and get the newspaper ready and fold it so that I can neatly tuck it under the tiles on the top of each cage, I also put a layer at the bottom of each cage.  Back to the kitchen to retrieve the freshly washed and dry seed pots, I fill them and put them on top of the Summer Palace.

As soon as I put their seed-pots down most of the budgies fly over and start stuffing their beaks with Trill.

[caption id="attachment_1362" align="alignnone" width="300" caption=" 9 birds eating"][/caption]

After cleaning and re-filling each water bottle, I clean any droppings from perches and shelves.

Their climbing frame will be situated on top of Budgingham Palace along with a few other sundry toys.

Time for our breakfast

I put the kettle on and make coffee and toast!

Lilek and Sky mob me and my husband for some of our food. Sometimes when we have finished we might let them have a few toast crumbs.


In the afternoon around 12 I change their seed again and perhaps chop up some vegetables for them (today it will be baby corn and mange tout). The budgies always get their lunch before us!

[caption id="attachment_159" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Throw vegetables everywhere"][/caption]

It's also possible that they will get a bath in the afternoon if the day is not too cold.

I take the vegetables away after a few hours to make sure they don't eat anything bad.  I also change the layer of paper underneath the plate in case any vegetables fell onto it - I can guarantee that they did because the budgies are very messy!

Change their seed again at 5-6pm for din dins, sometimes I'll change it again later on, they tend to eat more when it's colder out.

The day

We have the radio on for the birds for most of the day - thankfully we are not daytime TV watchers - no Jeremy Kyle or This Morning for us.  Monty tends to prefer a bit of Rock Music (Nirvana, Guns n Roses, Queen and Aerosmith are faves) so we have Kerrang on but if it gets a bit boring in the evenings when they play more obscure music we might switch to Heart or Heat.

Sometimes the budgies are so loud that we can't hear the music on the radio or each-other, we have a cordless phone so at least we can go to the bedroom to take or make phone calls.
9pm - time for budgie bed time to begin

Put the mask back on, get a bin bag, baby wipes and more newspaper (we make a special trip every week or so to get free newspapers!)

Remove the newspaper from the bottom and top of each cage - wipe down the bottom of the cage removing any feathers/dust - there will be no droppings because of the way that we place the newspaper in the cages.  place fresh newspaper on the bottom of the cages. Wipe down any bars that need it, remove, wash and replace any perches that are stained or have droppings on them.  Change the water again.

When all budgies are safely in their bunkers (believe it or not this task is a lot easier now that the buds have set groups that they bunk with, nine birds three cages 4,3 and 2 in each cage) I sweep the floor and remove any droppings with a baby-wipe.

I get the budgie bed-covers and a step ladder so that I can reach the two higher cages then place their covers on, all this time Blue-boy will be pinging the bars telling me he wants bed time NOW and Lilek will be beckoning me to come over and scratch his head.

When the covers are on (but not down) I turn the radio down (It'll be on LBC which is a talk radio station that is on 24 hours a day) and put the lamp on.

Then I'll go to the kitchen, shut the door and wash all seed pots, soap dishes and toys that they have played with that day and put them on tissues to dry.

I go to each cage and tell the budgies it's time for budgie bed time and put their cover down - usually Blue-boy and Hector first as they are the most keen to be covered.  Then Monty and his gang, pausing to give Lilek a head-scratch and making sure Monty is on a comfortable high-perch or he'll climb around the cage when I pull the cover down.

When I get to Roswell, Jerry and Custard we have to make sure that the nightly dispute over Custard Corner is settled.  We created a little girly corner for Custard with colourful mirror, perch and olympic rings and they all seem to want to sleep in it so usually we have to make sure they don't fight over who does!

[caption id="attachment_1350" align="alignnone" width="286" caption=" custards corner"][/caption]

Night night budgies, budgie bed time, bed time for budgies

Now that they are covered up we can hear them grinding their beaks and settling down to sleep re-energising ready for it to start all over again tomorrow..

What is your day like?

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Sky talks to a young lady

I was talking on the phone and I just caught something moving on my desk out of the corner of my eye. It turns out that Sky has taken a shine to the clay painted budgie. It's strange really because all of the other birds are scared of it.

He was dancing round her, showing off, really amusing to watch :)

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Lilek gives his opinion on Chives

I, Lilek the budgie also known as "Dumpling" by my owner, declare that Chives are fit for budgie consumption and also quite good to roll in when pegged in a dish and sprayed with water in a satisfactory manner.

I must admit to not liking being called Dumpling or even worse "Dumples" or "Dumpy Wumpy" and if my owner wants to know why I almost bit off her entire finger today then she need look no further.

I also demand more millet and human food - I would like a share of the twisty white things that the humans have for lunch everyday with that red sauce and those tiny brown squares that they eat far too much of, I want to know what they taste like.

I also want to see more colourful socks and be near more feet.

My owner insisted that we upload these photos because she thinks I am cute.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Quiet and noisy

It's been a random day, the budgies were really noisy this morning when it was nice and sunny outside and then slept for a while this afternoon and were quiet and lazy. 

Then at dinner time they found their voices and boisterousness once again and have not shut up since. It must have been all of the Chives and Basil I pegged up to the "Tower of Terror" for them, they liked climbing on and biting that til it fell to the floor and had to be swept up.

One weird thing too is that one or some of the  budgies have managed to carry some crackers and basil leaves into the Summer Palace, who knows how, in their little beaks! Determination won out though :)

I am thinking that I would really like to get them some natural branches for their cages to hop about on as I knot that they are much better for their feet.

You'd think that the local council would be able to help wouldn't you, they're always hacking away at the branches and making them totally bald. But no, they chuck them away apparently, what a waste!

My search continues!

Enjoy the pics and the rest of your weekend.


Thursday 10 March 2011

Dumpling gets a head scratch and Hector and Blue-boy play

Lilek really likes having his head scratched, he'll sidle up to his keys on his little shelf and put his little head down and wait for me to scratch him. Then he'll make little cute noises as I do so. If I let him he'd have head scratches all day long!

Hector and Blue-boy really cannot get enough of eachother. I guess that they both think that they are the most handsome budgies ever seeing as they look so similar. We can tell them apart though - Blue-boy is slightly paler blue and tends to make himself look like a little teddy-bear whilst Hector is more noisy and confident and brighter blue with a longer tail.

They were such a blur when I tried to photograph them playing yesterday that I barely got a decent shot. Hector likes to bounce up and down and make little noises and sing while Blue-boy tries to get him to feed him.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Little budgies enjoy a splash about

Here are some photos of the budgies bathing and splashing about. Snowy seems to like a relaxing bathe on his own with only a yellow Ducky for company where as with the others it's a bit of a free-for-all.

Roswell and Jerry did chivalrously let Custard bate fist which is most unlike them.

Custard has really come out of her shell since she got here - at first she was frightened to go near the other budgies but now she wants to be a part of everything - especially where Roswell and Jerry are concerned. She even has girly chats with Snowy sometimes. :)

Blue-Boy goes Ping Ping!

Little Blue-boy has taken to pinging the bars when he's enthusiastic or wants something. Not in an annoyed way but in an excited "Per Ping!" kind of way - he ranges from one to three Pings depending on his mood.

When I uncover Hector and Blue-Boy (they're in a cage together as they are so wrapped up in each-other that we thought it unfair not to!) Blue-boy will ping until the room is sorted out ready for budgie release.

Also when I am getting the budgies ready for bed he will ping until Hector and himself have their cover put on. Then he'll ping again til the cover is pulled down and the light put out. He will also ping if the radio is too loud or we're talking too loudly for them to sleep.

I imagine him every night with little pyjamas with heart shapes on and a little night cap with a bobble on the end.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Spied on by a bird, Dumpling takes a dip, Hitchcock eat your heart out!

Yesterday I was standing at the sink washing up and I heard a squawk followed by lots of high pitched calls. I turned to look behind me and I saw little Dumpling (aka Lilek) staring round the corner at me, he was sitting on the edge of the mirror ledge watching me.

Of course I had to run and get the camera as he looked quite cute and curious - the cheeky little monkey. In the end I had to close the kitchen door to finish the washing up in case he came into the kitchen and tried to "help".

He also had a little shower under the tap later on too, turns out he loves the sound of running water :)

See my birds, they are many and I am few, they like to stare down and me and wonder what I taste like with stew. Well not really but look at this picture of eight of them looking down at me, reminiscent of Hitchcocks "The Birds"

We still have major broadband issues (Thanks Orange) so I can only upload small photos I'm afraid til we're fully back online on 7th March.

Enjoy the photos - hope you and yours are well.