Sunday 26 December 2010

The budgies current Top Ten Tunes

These are the songs that really get the budgies singing, actually they like anything energetic but you really notice a difference in the noise levels of my front room if these particular songs are played on the radio.

bell budgie

As I was typing this the Nelly song came on the radio and now all of the birds are going nuts!

Sky started singing first so I blame him.

Here are their top ten!

With some of these videos you have to click on the "watch on youtube link" that comes up because they have restricted content, but it takes you straight to the music video.

1 Don't Stop me now  - Queen

2 We no speak Americano -  Yolanda be Cool

3 Lithium  - Nirvana

4 Bad Boys  - Alexandra Burke

5 All I want for Christmas is you -  Mariah Carey

6 New Shoes - Paulo Nutini

7 California Girls - Katy Perry

8 Only Girl in the World  - Rihanna

9 Just a Dream  - Nelly

10 Merry Christmas Everybody - Slade

Have yourself a Budgie little christmas

The budgies have really been enjoying themselves this christmas. Some relatives came round on the 23rd and their "uncle" played with Lilek and Sky a lot, mostly Lilek. I think that uncle D enjoyed himself more than the budgies did, he even let Lilek stand on his head, Lilek looked very comfortable up there. Uncle D is lucky that Lilek had had made a dropping just a minute earlier!

Their nan and aunties bought them millet, which they obviously LOVE!

We got them a budgie mirror "disco" ball so that they can listen to their favourite tunes and boogie on the dance floor.

We put some small Xmas decorations up behind the budgie screen so that the birdies couldn't nibble any of them but the room still had a slightly festive feel to it.

Today the budgies are tired from all their Xmas feasting so I ran them a relaxing Basil bath. After they had finished splashing about in the water with basil in it, I pegged up the basil on to their climbing frame and playground for them to nibble on. Well you have to cleanse your palate don't you :D


Monday 6 December 2010

Snowy's ball never lets him down

Snowy has had a little nap with his ball this evening, they first had a chat about their day and then cuddled up for a lovely little snooze.

But were woken from their slumber by some Christmas music on the radio which all of the birds felt they should sing to - "Winter Wonderland" I believe.

Doesn't he look adorable?

He's playing Kissy-face currently with Monty and also his green ball-ball.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Seven birds eating breakfast

It's not easy to get breakfast organised when you have seven hungry beaks to feed. Especially when they don't all stay in the same place at the same time, sometimes it's possible to get a good photo though.

Yum yum say the birds.

Saturday 27 November 2010

Everybody in the whole cell block was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock

The birds are really enjoying their new climbing structure. Every time I see them on it it reminds me of the scene in Jailhouse Rock - I think you know what I mean, if not then look it up on youtube!

Maybe it was the incentive of the Dill and grass-seed that I had pegged to it but I prefer to imagine that my budgies are Elvis fans :D

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Birthday for me = Presents for the budgies

It's my birthday today, I am aherm *cough* years old. Got some money from my family and of course I spent half of it on my feathered fiends, they got a new playground - some swanky new food and 8 treat sticks.

My husband kindly fitted together the playground for me - DIY isn't a strong point, tends to make me a bit mad!

We had to weight it down in the base with some pebbles and stones (not sure what the difference is between those two) to make it more stable.

So far most of the budgies have tried it out and also had a smell of their new gourmet food..

Oh and look closely at Blue-boys throat spots, they're heart-shaped - how cute! :)

Sunday 14 November 2010

Happy Birthday Monty!

Yesterday we celebrated an anniversary with Monty - it has been a year since we brought Monty and Eric home. So in effect Monty is one year old (even though he's about a year and a half really, but we don't know his true date of hatching)

I made the budgies small white party hats and we bought them some treat sticks that fell apart so we put them in a dish (actually it's the budgie bath..) for them to feast their little beaks upon.

Earlier on Snowy presented Monty with some art that he had made from a sandpaper sheet that I had lined the bottom of the playground with. Let me know what you think it is, Snowy seems to think it's abstract and open to personal interpretation.

Lilek has been very busy landing on our feet , arms and hands then singing to them as well as his ongoing relationship with Sky - it's really nice to see them as friends.

Anyway I have party hats and millet to clear up..

Enjoy the pics


Tuesday 2 November 2010

Keys are exciting

Lilek has come out of his shell so much more in the last few days, I have even managed to handle him a fair bit - he has the most razor sharp bite but he also gives little nibbles which I think are meant to be affectionate!

Monty has shown a few signs of being jealous of all the attention that Lilek has been getting, so he sneaked into a photo my husband took of Lilek on my hand, just flew over to see what was going on.

Came back from my shower today to find Monty, Jerry, Roswell and Snowy all lined up on the arm of the sofa next to where I sit with my laptop. Maybe they were waiting for millet?

Yesterday all of the budgies ventured onto the sofa to watch Lilek play with his keys and nibble on the remote controls. They're getting so more adventurous since the arrival of Lilek, have to double check where I step and sit to make sure I don't flatten one of the little tykes..


Friday 29 October 2010

It is such a hard life being a budgie.  Monty keeps telling me that the amount of playing and eating he is expected to do is difficult at times, how to fit it all in when you only have 24 hours a day.

Perhaps this is why all seven birds have been reluctant to settle down at night, far too much playing to fit in.

Right now they are relaxing with a little bit of Absolute 80's.  Today they have enjoyed egg-food, vegetables, millet and lots of playing around - especially Roswell and Snowy on the rings hanging from the rack on the wall.

Snowy and Roswell love these rings, they have been hanging on the bottom one ringing the bell with either their feet or beak and then flying off squawking.

Monty has been doing his nut today too - flying in figures of eights round our heads squawking like mad!

Sky persists in trying to make friends with Lilek, I think he's softening to his advances as he doesn't chitter at him nearly as much these days.

I had Monty sitting on my thumb eating some red millet earlier and Roswell decided he also wanted a go so he flew onto my shoulder for a brief second.

I got him onto my other hand and then Blue-boy tried to get in on the act but I had ran out of space, so we pegged some millet to the cage for him and he shared it with Sky, Jerry and the greedy piggy Roswell later on.  Turns out that Blue-boy prefers to eat in a goup when humans hands are involved, safety in numbers I suppose!

Would you like some pictures from the day? - tough here they are anyway! :D


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Thursday 28 October 2010

Update on the mob

It's been more than a week since I updated the blog on the fiends so I thought I had better give an update!

News in alphabetical order..

The Blue-wonder is settling in very well,
he loves to sing and get on especially well with Jerry and Roswell,
they all fly and wander about together like a trouble-some gang of
teenage tearaways. Roswell is the muscle, Jerry the mouth and Blue-boy the pretty one that keeps his mouth shut.

His cheekiness still knows no bounds, although occasionally he'll hang out
with Monty and they'll sing and biff eachothers beaks both trying to
gain the upper hand (wing?) on the other. Monty never backs down!

Still slightly anti-social with the other birds but he's showing great signs
of improving. In the past few days he has even been singing really
quietly to the other birds. He took to the vegetables - especially
basil really quickly!We saw him sit in his play rings a few time
and this boy really loves keys, he flaps at them, chirrups softly and tries to feed
them. We're trying to get him to play more and he enjoys an occassional head scratch from a wooden lolly-stick. He turns his head, it's very cute :)

What to say about the King himself. Just today he landed on the arm of the sofa next to me and started singing to me - he's never done that before, it was so sweet. Jerry came over and landed next to him to see if there were any treats on offer!
It's very strange but Monty seems to know when I am concentrating on something and this is the time he's most likely to pay me attention and try and get me to notice him!

His friendship with Jerry continues to blossom, Jerry can often be seen preening Roswells big fluffy head.

Once I saw Monty try and preen Roswell slyly but Roswell backed away thinking that Monty was trying to beak him!

Roswell sometimes hopps about and sings, it's really something to see because he's quite big but the dude can still hop wih the best of them!

Sky can be quite In-yer-face with the other budgies and frequesntly takes part in Snowy-chasing, in fact he quite likes to chase any budgies around until they get tired!

He's the one that has most tried to strike up a friendship with Lilek, he's very persistent and I am sure it will pay off eventually. Lilek is definitely tolerating his antics more these days.

He is really enjoying the play-rings that Lilek brought with him!

He's taken to climbing down to the bottom ring and dinging the bell continuously with his little pink feet!

I'll try and get some pictures on later too :)

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Give us stuff.. or else

Or else what you may ask - well I didn't want to find out so I gave 'em stuff.

Monty wouldn't let me near his food in case I stole some, he said I eat more than the budgies and it wouldn't be fair on them if I shared. He has a point.

Sky did his Taxi Driver impression, it was very good.

The rest just scoffed food and sang all day long - it's what they do best.

Another thing they do very well is bite stuff - Snowy bites the sandpaper I put in their play-station, he has made it his goal to tear off as many small pieces daily that he can - I am worried what he is doing with them, perhaps building a raft or making a loofah so Monty can scratch him in the bath.

Blue-Boy also loves biting stuff, I keep having to shoo him away from the budgie screen as he's chipping away at the wood - maybe he's whittling it to make it pole-like, we'll have to see.

Monday 18 October 2010

Roswell is budgie of the rings

Roswell has been practising his acrobatics yet again, he loves the new rings that Lilek brought with him and uses them to perform stunning acrobatic tricks worthy of David Coppernuts himself.

He certainly is an agile little budgie as you can see by these photos. When he got to the bottom he rang the bell and flew off. We think that his sole purpose of climbing onto the rings was to get to the bell on the end :)

Good morning from the budgies

Rise and shine say the seven little terrors..

...greet the new day.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Gourmet breakfast, Lord of the rings..

I hung up a new toy yesterday - it's Lileks and I had it in his cage but he was ignoring it so to entice him to play I hung it from the rack on the wall.

Monty and Roswell have both balanced in a ring so far. I am hoping that Lilek takes an interest in it at some point.

Look at their lovely breakfast - these birds eat better than I do! :)


Friday 15 October 2010

Happy Days with the seven Amigos

It's been a dull and dark day but the budgies have enjoyed lots of vegetables, flown around and sang a lot.

Sky has even had some "happy time" with his mirror, bit shocking for us but I guess it's perfectly natural for a budgie!

At the moment the radio is on and they're all tweeting along to "Instant Karma" by John Lennon, the budgies are singing for peace it seems, none present though :D

Pictures from the day..


Tuesday 12 October 2010

Monday 11 October 2010

The Silly Seven

I caught a great moment just now, the budgies all eating together :)

The silly seven, scoffing their little faces on Trill together at the seed troughs.

The magnificent seven - Welcome Lilek

Okay so this is definitely the last one...

Lilek was brought to us because his partner flew out of the window and the lady that looked after him did not want to get any more budgies as she felt she didn't have enough time to give them.

Lilek is a very lonely and stressed budgie at the moment so we decided today to introduce him to the flock as he kept regurgitating onto his foot and then eating it.

He's definitely not ill, he has bright eyes, doesn't sit fluffed up, is lively and his plumage looks perfect.

Anyway he has already landed on the floor, my keyboard and monitor, the window sill, on my hand, my husbands head and hand, this boy is not shy!

Pictures from the day!

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Saturday 9 October 2010

Classic FM for the budgies

There is still Snowy chasing going on today so we have deployed some Classical music to calm the birds down, they're all in their separate pairs tweeting away and preening to the soothing sounds of Classic FM.

Drives me bonkers when they start chasing each other around and wing flapping at their fellow birdies - it seems to happen at least once a month for up to a week.

Still they're calm....for now!


Friday 8 October 2010

Chase me!

There has been waaaay too much Snowy chasing today!

Occasionally Roswell decides that Snowy is just too gorgeous to ignore for a second longer and chases him around the room, this upsets both Monty and Jerry and they start fighting out of frustration. So we have to separate some of them into different cages for a while to calm down.

Oh the drama!

On the calm and sane side, Blue Boy and Sky have been making great progress, we gave them some different things to look at and moved them into the Summer palace so that they can get used to a new layout and have a little bit more room to stretch their wings and strengthen them so that they'll be able to fly better.

Even spotted Blue boy eating some Basil and Coriander on the sly.. :)

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Bad Mr Ducky

Monty has been telling off Mr Ducky, we're not sure what he did but Monty did not agree with it.

I'm looking at the budgie in the mirror

Earlier on today we decided to dispense with the receipts that we had cunningly blu-tacked to the bottom of the mirror (the budgies had been pulling them off!) and fix a wooden plank to the mirror instead so that the birds could land on it.

Here are pictures of Roswell, Monty, Snowy and Jerry admiring themselves in the mirror..

..note that Roswell can't take his eyes off of his gorgeous self :)

New arrivals! Blue Boy and Sky

I have been looking for a couple of budgies to rehome and live with my current flock of four little firey fiends.

Well a kind lady and her sister have asked me to take in a couple of cute little boys called Blue Boy (a cobalt blue I think) and Sky (a very pretty fancy spangle of some sort!)

They brought them over earlier this afternoon and they have been settling in and calling to my boys really loudly who have of course been reciprocating!

Here are a couple of pics of the pretty little boys!

looking forward to integrating them in time :D

Best Wedding anniversary present ever and certainly cheers me up slightly over yesterdays horrid day.

Welcome Blue Boy and Sky, I hope you are happy with us!

Monday 4 October 2010

Tribute to Charlotte

I answered an advertisement on Gumtree this morning to someone that had found a little budgie and wanted a person to give her a home.

Today was Tube Strike Day in London but this did not stop me racing over to Tottenham Court Road station on the underground with a little carry-box with millet, trill and a space for some water, also a folded t-shirt for the budgie to sit on.

Unfortunately the little budgie had already passed away before I arrived, she was a sweet looking little blue budgie - don't know how long she had been outside for.  Did she get free from an aviary or someone's home? - guess I'll never know.

We called her Charlotte after the name of the street she came from.

Rest in Peace little Charlotte.

Here is a pic of her that was emailed to me by the guys that found her just after they posted the advert.

[caption id="attachment_1139" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Charlotte, an hour or so before she passed away"][/caption]

Sunday 3 October 2010

If Monty were 6 feet taller you would be terrified of him

Look at this little guy - he's about 4 inches tall but he could rip your throat out if he was our size.

In reality he was just scratching his head with his foot - makes a great picture though doesn't it :)

My guys aren't spoilt...or weird.... are they?

Monty keeps jumping into the grit pot - he's the only one of the birds that fits all the way in to the tiny ceramic ramekin that the grit is put into and he's been making the most of that lately by sitting in it. Perhaps it's comfortable or more likely he is crazy! :)

Does anyone else spend ages chopping their birds vegetables into tiny little pieces (just the right size)so that they can pick them up with their beaks and throw them all over the place creating a lot of mess, or as the budgies would lead you to believe - "art".

Jerry is definitely a modern day Picasso, there is no vegetables no matter what size immune to being picked up and lobbed as far as he can whilst running to the top corner of the cage and peering over the edge to see where it has landed.

The sun has just come out, it's been raining felines and canines all day!

The day is looking up - what next? - watch this space ;)

Friday 1 October 2010

Masterchef for budgies, Monty preens his pretty show bird, Roswell and Jerry enjoy alfresco dining

Seriously, I spend more time in the morning deciding on the Budgies menu and making it interesting and pretty for them than I do making my own breakfast!

I wonder if when the budgies notice my efforts they come up with scores and criticism and relate this to eachother, in their best Greg Wallace and John Torode voices of course..

Monty "Top marks for effort but it just doesn't have the flavour we were expecting"

Roswell "For me there wasn't enough of it, if I wanted tiny portions I would have ordered a happy meal"

Jerry "It tastes okay but the presentation has let you down again"

Snowy "I was expecting big things but Delia Smith could come up with better with both hands tied behind her back and a blindfold on"

We went out earlier and when we got back home the budgies were all on the play centre together snoozing, this was a rare quiet, peaceful moment so I took a photo!

Also Snowy has taken to hanging upside down off of things, the wee beautiful boy is getting more daring and confident :)

Wednesday 29 September 2010


Balls, the budgies just love 'em.

Snowy sings to his, Monty stands on them to make himself feel higher and safer and today Jerry and Roswell have been throwing them around.

We have some lattice bell balls in the soap dish that is stuck to the window (with suction, not glue) and Roswell and Jerry have been standing up there today chucking them onto the floor. I tried to get a photo of Jerry actually throwing a ball with his beak but my shutter-speed isn't all that fast so I just got one of him with the ball in his beak.
