Wednesday 31 August 2011

Naughty Fiends

We have had a nightmare day today with the budgies. They have not been their usual calm(ish) selves. The day has mostly consisted of Jerry being chased by Snowy. This upsets both Roswell and Monty. Snowy is King Montys bird and he gets very jealous if Snowy shows too much interest in Jerry.

It's strange because Monty doesn't mind Snowy spending time with any of the other birds, only Jerry.

Anyhow, the "Jerry chasing" outbreak has caused Monty to become angry and square up to Jerry, even leaping on him. Monty is scared of no bird, even though he's the smallest one here!

Jerry and Roswell, Monty and Snowy have been put in separate Hagen cages until they calm down. We are on the second round of this now, as the first time I let them out it started all over again!

"Jerry chasing" used to happen often but this is the first time in more than six months we have had an incident.

Fingers crossed that it's not going to be a week long affair like it has in the past.

Monday 29 August 2011

Jerry says "I'll sing to anything"

Today Jerry has been singing to the wheel at the bottom of the table that the Summer Palace is situated on.

He has a great singing voice. Jerry is probably the best singer of my flock. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the Pet Shop that we acquired him from, he was housed next to lots of Canaries.

Jerry could be part-canary, he is definitely fluent in the lingo.


Sunday 28 August 2011


Roswell, Snowy, Monty and Jerry having a lovely swing together :)

Amazing that they stayed on long enough for me to capture the moment!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Customised piccy of the fiends

Look at this photo my friend from a budgie forum made for me. Isn't it brilliant?

Thank you Zohie!

Friday 19 August 2011

New Toy

The fiends have been getting to grips with their new toy. It's a swinging perch with eight places on it for them to land. They seem to like using it to preen eachother on, especially Monty and Snowy in the evenings.

I'll look up at about 8.30pm to see Snowy on the lower part and Monty above preening his head. It's very cute to watch.

Here are some photos of them enjoying the new toy having a swing-a-ling.

Also see Dumpling below, still obsessed with my feet. Just when I thought he had grown out of it!