Tuesday 2 November 2010

Keys are exciting

Lilek has come out of his shell so much more in the last few days, I have even managed to handle him a fair bit - he has the most razor sharp bite but he also gives little nibbles which I think are meant to be affectionate!

Monty has shown a few signs of being jealous of all the attention that Lilek has been getting, so he sneaked into a photo my husband took of Lilek on my hand, just flew over to see what was going on.

Came back from my shower today to find Monty, Jerry, Roswell and Snowy all lined up on the arm of the sofa next to where I sit with my laptop. Maybe they were waiting for millet?

Yesterday all of the budgies ventured onto the sofa to watch Lilek play with his keys and nibble on the remote controls. They're getting so more adventurous since the arrival of Lilek, have to double check where I step and sit to make sure I don't flatten one of the little tykes..


1 comment:

  1. Lovely to hear that Lilek is settling in more. Love the photo with his wings spread out. :)
