Tuesday 23 November 2010

Birthday for me = Presents for the budgies

It's my birthday today, I am aherm *cough* years old. Got some money from my family and of course I spent half of it on my feathered fiends, they got a new playground - some swanky new food and 8 treat sticks.

My husband kindly fitted together the playground for me - DIY isn't a strong point, tends to make me a bit mad!

We had to weight it down in the base with some pebbles and stones (not sure what the difference is between those two) to make it more stable.

So far most of the budgies have tried it out and also had a smell of their new gourmet food..

Oh and look closely at Blue-boys throat spots, they're heart-shaped - how cute! :)


  1. Your room must be like an enormous budgie playground now. :)
    BTW, happy birthday!!!! :)

  2. Yes, it pretty much does :)

    They seem to like it though!

    Thank you!

  3. You must love your little birds so much to get them that sweet playground!

  4. I do indeed :)

    even the one currently biting my fingers as i type!

    he just did a poo on my numberpad too!
