Friday 2 September 2011

Roswell has a Camomile bath

Every day for the last few months I have put out a dish of water by the side of the Summer Palace. Blueboy usually likes to fly down to it and have a nip first thing in the morning. If I don't put it out he sits and waits in the space until I do.

Yesterday I put camomile tea in it. This was in the blind hope that it would calm the budgies down, they had camomile in their water drinkers too.

Roswell decided that Camomile was just the thing to take a bath in, he must have been waiting for this day!

It was enjoyed with such vigour. Pictures follow of a most soggy Roswell.


  1. LOL! He looks handsome when soggy too! Table top looks like it has had a bath too. :D

  2. He does :)

    Yes, luckily it's got a Formica coating. I dried it straight away after he'd finished.
