Tuesday 8 March 2011

Blue-Boy goes Ping Ping!

Little Blue-boy has taken to pinging the bars when he's enthusiastic or wants something. Not in an annoyed way but in an excited "Per Ping!" kind of way - he ranges from one to three Pings depending on his mood.

When I uncover Hector and Blue-Boy (they're in a cage together as they are so wrapped up in each-other that we thought it unfair not to!) Blue-boy will ping until the room is sorted out ready for budgie release.

Also when I am getting the budgies ready for bed he will ping until Hector and himself have their cover put on. Then he'll ping again til the cover is pulled down and the light put out. He will also ping if the radio is too loud or we're talking too loudly for them to sleep.

I imagine him every night with little pyjamas with heart shapes on and a little night cap with a bobble on the end.


  1. It's amazing how individual their characters are. Yes, I can see him in those pyjamas. :)

  2. It is, they are so individual. Anyone that says animals don't have personalities doesn't know what they are talking about.

    I like your avatar - mmmmmm MILLET!!!
