Friday 27 May 2011

Getting the fiends to eat their vitamins

I just gave the budgies a big plate of vegetables and egg and they are currently tucking in and flinging it everywhere with glee.

The vegetable mess contains the following:

The Bird Pellets and Pine Nuts are sprinkled into the mix just to make sure that any fussy birdies still get their vits!)

Sweetcorn niblets (rich in vitamin B)
Broccoli grated (rich in vitamins B, C and K)
Carrot grated (A, K)
Egg chopped (A,D,E,K)
Chopped Pine Nuts (B,E,K)
Crushed Harrisons Superfine Bird pellets (All manner of healthy things)


  1. Perfect! Would never have thought to give budgies fresh vegetables.

  2. I didn't know they could eat pine nuts. You learn something new every day. :) They look like they are really enjoying their meal. If Bezukhov was there, he would be stood in the middle of the plate. :D

  3. ssssh, don't tell them that, they love 'em. You should see the mess!!

  4. Yeah, I crushed them up, they are really a once in a while thing but I thought that they could do with it.

  5. that's so nice.

    my budgies don't want to eat veggies. they sniff it once and turn their backs away from it :S

  6. When I only had two they wouldn't eat them either. Some budgies were more adventurous than others but generally if I grate it and put it on a play that they recognise then they'll scoff it!

  7. Thank you :) they are sweet. most of the time! :D
