Saturday 14 January 2012

Pass the Loofah

The fiends had been pestering me for a bath today. Their wishes were answered.

I put out some luke warm, diluted camomile tea with basil leaves and coloured ping pong balls floating in them.

Jerry had so much fun splashing around that he got a little too water drenched and I had to lock him in with Roswell for 15 minutes to dry off as he kept plunging to the floor when he tried to fly.

This is a stern reminder of why bath times should always be supervised.


  1. LOL! Jerry still looks fabulous, even when drenched. :) Looking at that last pic, can Monty's tail get any higher?!

  2. You'd be surprised about how high Monty's tail can get. He looks like a little remote control car when he runs along sometimes. He's almost a V shape ;)

    The higher it gets, the more he's trying to assert his dominance!
