Saturday 8 October 2011

Happy Birthday Blueboy and Sky!

On 5th October as well as being my 9 year wedding anniversary it was Sky and Blueboys too!

A whole year with us, which makes Sky 5 and Blueboy 3 years old.

They came to us together In October 2010 and have joined a happy flock.

Sky is great friends with Lilek, they whizz about the front room together causing mayhem and mischief. Blueboy is inseparable from Hector. Blueboy can be a nervous little budgie and Hector protects him, makes him feel safe.

Here are the birthday boys.


  1. Happy Birthday Blueboy & Sky! May I say you both don't look a day over 1. :) I hope you have had lots of treats & special pampering...... although that may make your special day seem like all the others, knowing what your mama is like. ;-)

  2. Thanks Sweetpea. They had millet and some egg with grated carrot and broccoli.

    Fun was had by all.

    I even sang them happy birthday in the morning.

  3. and the way my husband looked at me you'd think I was nuts. tsk! :)

  4. Sounds lovely! I sing to mine when it's their birthdays too. :D
