Saturday 25 June 2011

Seed Storage and a new table for the fiends

We managed to get hold of a great cool box for storage of the 20kg sack of budgie seed that we took delivery of recently. It didn't all fit though so we had to store the remainder in some klip it boxes!

We also got a great new(ish - we got it from a kind soul on Freecycle) table on wheels to put the Summer Palace on, this should make it much easier when vacuuming and sweeping as it can be rolled out of the way.

When Monty saw it he felt he was one step closer to owning that Harley he had always dreamed of.

Recent photos of the fiends, humungous table and masses of seed are below..


  1. Very nice table! And not a feather, poop or seed husk anywhere! You should have a medal for exceptional cleaning. :)

  2. Oh they're there, they must be hidden... :)

  3. Crikey. Sure you've got enough seed there? Terrible to think you might run out.:)

  4. more than 3 months worth - for £25.00 - with trill that would have cost me over £60!

  5. That's way more expensive than what Trill costs in Australia. Outrageous. I got a 2kg pack for A$6.85 a few weeks back. Not sure what the pound dollar exchange is at the moment, but it's definitely a lot less.

  6. Also we cannot buy Trill in 2kg packs, it only comes in 500g here.

  7. That is the equivalent of £1.12 per 500g, we pay £1.55 at the moment for 500g Trill.

    My current seed costs me £1.24 per kg!

  8. I haven't seen any in my local supermarkets, but I think we can also get in 4kg boxes. I live in the middle of Sydney though, so I haven't got those mega sized stores nearby.

    I know prices between countries can be wildly different. I wanted to get one of those 'Get a grip" bird rope things. In the US, which is currently at parity with the Aus dollar, it's $54 online. Here, online, it is $140. Can't be that much extra in freight.
