Tuesday 21 June 2011

Basil, Dill, Baths and millet

The fiends have been spoilt today.

We have given them millet pegged up in the summer palace, a bath (Snowy, Jerry and Roswell got absolutely soaked!) and I pegged up some Basil and Dill for them to munch on and chuck all over the place as they do.

I'll clean the mess up later on when I have the energy.

Here are some photos..


  1. They are all looking fab as usual. Very nice pics of Jerry & Monty. I see that Roswell is still posing. :)

  2. Roswell can't help himself. He was born to pose!

  3. Do they eat Dill too? I haven't tried that, though I don't have dill often. I can't get basil at the moment as it's out of season down my end of the world.

    My Boo hasn't had a bath since the end of summer, the dirty bird.

  4. Stace

    They love Dill, you should try it :)

    Dirty little Boo Boo.
