Saturday, 7 August 2010

This one photo just about sums up the budgies today

Snowy has been going about his daily business, eating, preening getting on with being a budgie and doing budgie things. Roswell has been following him around trying to become his best friend for the day, this is annoying Jerry who is getting really jealous and trying to chase Snowy away. Which of course is annoying Monty so he’s standing up on the rack with his feet as far apart as the little chap can manage. He is doing his best “I’m so huge I look like I have been riding a big horse, don’t mess with me” which is really funny because he’s the tiniest of all the budgies.

Get off your horse and drink your milk

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Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, not around my eyes, you’re under!

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3,2,1, you’re back in the room – give us a kiss. Penny for your thoughts Monty?

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Missile one – GO GO GO GO! Ready missile two?

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Snowy “I think I can see a bald spot”

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