Monday, 23 August 2010

Snowy Du Jour

Snow is far too popular at the moment for my liking.

No I’m not jealous of my budgie boy, I am just sick of him being flown after and chased by the other 3 budgies it is getting tiresome. We’re having to separate them every five minutes at the moment and cannot leave them alone if they are all out of their cages.

Anyone got a solution that doesn’t involve permanent separation, I’m hoping it’s just a silly phase they’re going through!

Here he is, the boy of the moment..

bodgies 23-8-10 016


  1. I can see WHY they are chasing him! What beau <3

    They are probably having good fun :) They do go through phases of favoritism lol.

  2. Yeah he is a looker :)

    I guess they do, but they're being a real pain and jumping on each other, getting into fights.
