Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Hot? have a camomile bath..

The budgies have been enjoying camomile tea baths for the past few days. They love to take a sip of the water and then have a wade through it.

Roswell and Jerry like to get particularly soaked, little Roswell puts his face right in it to make sure his beard spots get soaked.

Just the thing to cool down on a 26 degree day.

I use a two litre jug, steep the tea bag in 200ml hot water for two minutes and then top up with lovely cold water. Remove bag of course!

Serve to fiends in see-through glass dishes. Relax and watch them splash about and have fun.


  1. I shall have to follow that camomile tea bath recipe & see if my lot have a go. I will probably land up drinking it myself. :D Love the photos of them all fluffed up - they look so excited by it. :)

  2. Did you try some camomile baths?

    They did enjoy it :)
