Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Hector Preening Blue-Boy

I just caught Hector preening Blue-boy. It's nice that it's mutual because up til now I had only seen Blue-Boy preen Hector!

Hector is by far the dominant budgie of the couple. This is the first time that Blue-boy has been preened by any budgie because Sky (his cage-mate before he integrated with us) didn't preen him and he didn't preen Sky!

Goes to show that budgies do have personalities and their own individual preferences.

The Happy Couple


  1. There's nothing better than seeing a couple of budgies preen each other. So sweet!

  2. they're adorable when they're good!

    only lasts five minutes though doesn't it :)

  3. [...] Hector Preening Blue-Boy ( [...]

  4. [...] Hector Preening Blue-Boy ( [...]
